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Legal Notice

Website operator under §5 of the German Telemedia Act

Tamron Europe GmbH  

Robert-Bosch-Straße 9

50769 Cologne


Telephone: +49 (0) 221 / 66 95 44-0

Fax: +49 (0) 221 / 66 95 44-404


E-Mail: info(at)tamron.de 

URL: www.tamron.eu


Commercial Register:

Registry Court: Cologne District Court

Registry Number: HRB 19910


Managing Director:

Michael Dickel


VAT Identification Number under §27a of the German VAT Act: 



Business Identification Number under §139c of the German Fiscal Code: 



Information on online dispute resolution:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution(ODR):

You can find this platform using the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Consumers can use this platform to settle their disputes arising from online contracts. 


Notice under §36 of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act:

We will not take part in alternative dispute settlement procedures under the terms of §36 of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act. The use of an alternative arbitration body does not constitute a mandatory requirement to appear before a court having jurisdiction. 


WEEE Registration Number: DE 20578810


Copyright and Picture Credits:

The content of https://5years.tamron.eu unless otherwise stated, are protected by copyright.

Photographs used are, where appropriate, labelled or captioned with picture credits if they have not been produced in-house.

The use of photographs on third-party sites is only possible with the respective permission from the copyright holder.

If picture credits are available, please list them here (insofar as naming is permitted in the legal notice)


Prepared by:  

© IT-Recht-Kanzlei DURY – www.dury.de

© Website-Check GmbH – www.website-check.de